Northumberland Fall I – Ranney Falls

Fall this year is no match for the the WonderFall of 2012. Nonetheless,  Ferris Park near Campbellford was certainly putting on a color show. A walk or jog in the park is so convenient  and there are certainly many delights to be seen:
[wowslider id=”8″] Walking over the Ranney Falls suspension bridge on the mid entrance to the park provides dramatic views of the Trent River Gorge especially nice in its Falls colors. Immediately one is presented with a left/West or right/East pathway choice but the park guide post and map provides needed help. The photo group went West towrd the Falls.

Ranney Falls Abstract

Ranney Falls are generally gentle in the Autumn but the recent rains had increased the flow. The Falls streaked the river gorge white with foam. Enough so it inspired a bit of photofinishing abstract painting work. And all along the paths in the park, there were visual delights to be seen. In sum a great photo outing day for the River Valley Photography club and the Peterborough Photography club.

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