This is the goal of every Ganny Fanny Cruiser – the Finish Bridge in downtown Port Hope.
The end of Ganny Fannying changes from the very wet shallows of the Midway Fens [wet because riders have to get out of their boats through some of the shallow channels] to the real chutes and falls of the lower end of the Ganaraska. Now lets be realistic, this is nothing like the falls and white water river rafting on the Ottawa or Gatineau or any of the James Bay hotspots here in Eastern Canada. And the Ganny can’t hold a candle to some of the spectacular White-River rafting adventures in the Rocky Mountains of Western Canada. But if you have managed to stay dry through the Ganny cruise so far – here is your big chance to get all wet.
The pictures tell the story of what has to be cleared; however what is missing is that many of the spectators are armed with water balloons and water pistols. So there is an extra hazard as Ganny Fanniers make their way under the cross bridge and to the course’s finish.