How to Create Your Own Website at No Cost
where: Cobourg Library Wednesday March 28th 2012 2:30PM and 5:30PM – 2nd Floor Meeting Room
This free presentation shows how to create a professional-looking website at no out-of-pocket costs other than your time and effort. This no cost website can advertise your business, tell people about your community service, present your gallery of images, or establish your credentials and interests for college/university studies. The advantage of the two systems proposed, Google’s Blogger and is not only are they free but they make a)website creation and design very easy to do yet highly customizable if you so choose and b)updating and maintaining the sites manageable by anyone with Word or email skills.
CLICK ANYWHERE ON THE GRAY SLIDES BELOW for an outline of the show:
[iframe src=”” width=”100%” height=”700″]
The presentation lasts about 45-50 minutes. For those looking for extra help, 1 hour is reserved in the meeting room afterwards to answer any questions you have or to create a starter website for free. Important to note: No costs are incurred nor any future costs; however does provide extra cost services which you do not need to use to get advanced capabilities. Blogger has 3rd parties offering such services. But to get an effective website like JavaScriptures has incurred no costs over the past 3 years other than the time and effort to keep it updated with new pages and posts.
Note please reserve your place by sending an email here as space is limited to 6 participants per session.
Computer Workshops
where: Belleville Library throughout the month – 254 Pinnacle St. Belleville ON K8N 3B1 Canada 613- 968-6731
These online and face-to-face computer workshops are geared for seniors but applicable to all users. Check the schedule here for all the different workshop available.
eReader Support
where: Peterborough Library each Saturday – 10:AM to 1PM – 345 Aylmer St. North Peterborough, ON K9H 3V7 705-745-5382
For one-on-one support, the Library offers appointments with an Information Services Staff Member on most Saturdays between 10:00 a.m. and 1 p.m.. Please make an appointment at the Information Desk, or call at 705-745-5382, ext. 2340 or 2350.
Donuts and Downloads
where: Cobourg library Saturdays – 10:AM to 1PM – 200 Ontario St Cobourg, ON K9A 5P4
Go here for more information on how to use various eReaders and the exact details of the event.