What should not have surprised me as much as it did was the amount and thickness of the Ice Coating in Cobourg. I had suspected the Lake Ontario’s warmer water would moderate the Ice Blizzard’s effects. Wrong: On Cobourg beach
Lifeguard Tower in Winter
On the beach
Beach road
The shore is littered withLakr ice
Ice-Glassed fence
Links of Ice
the Cobourg Port Apartments
Birches bow
ice stickles
Fences along the ice covered beach
Along the beach
A illow with manyshredded branches
kids playground in winter
white ice
Red & Blue Kids playground
The Kids park icicle
Evening comes in
Victoria Park ice
Dusk settling on the iced venue
Lighthouse across the beach
The lake breezes were doubly cold – wind driven at well below freezing and humid that cut through layers of clothing. Picture-taking would indeed be a cold luxury. But the vistas of a Summer beach in icy winter were frigid and also compellingly fascinating.