The first frosts and snow of winter are often vampirish – they bite to the bone because the air is humid, cold and chill bane. So this post is not a favorite topic across Canada because 5 more months of cold, wet and snow are on tap. The only consolation for last night’s freezing rain to ice pellets to snow was the spectacular coating that coated the countryside. However, photographers had to get out early because by noon time most of the crystal decoration was melting away in swift fashion.
Fortunately the camera was ready and so ye Editor got outside right away before the now warmer morning weather melted all the snow and ice decorations of the First Winter Snow. Most of the shots were taken around the house because no winter boots were ready for the first foray.
View from the Back Porch – Ice and Snow Laden Trees
Having secured the first set of photos from around the house; the next step was to get a set of boots on and to start ranging farther afield by hiking around the hillsides and dells that are the distinctive trait of Northumberland Hills. The further one got into the woods and trails one had a concert of creaking and cracking ice -coated branches as the wind started to pick up. But the forest was cooler and shaded from the sun emerging through the fog clouded skies. With the temperature hovering around 0 degrees Celsisus, the ice coatings in the woods held up and produced these images:
Oak by the Pines on the Hillside