Allan Gardens Easter Show

Allan Gardens Easter Show


Lillies Trumpet the Easter Season
Poinsettias from the Christmas show?
Hydrangea Hiding
More Lilies
Color Burst
Fern Swirl
A First: Orchids on Open Display
Playing with Floral Colours
Red Slivers
Allan Gardens is a Floral Treasure

The Gardens are plunk downtown at Carleton and Sherbourne just a stonesthrow east of the old Maple Leaf Gardens. The great thing about Allan Gardens is that they are open for free 365 days  of the year, rain or shine, holiday or weekend. The hours are the same every day of the year from !0:00AM to 5:00PM. 

Allan Gardens features five floral shows through the year. Spring, Easter, Summer, Fall, and Christmas. This is the first time PicsofCanada has covered the Easter Show. But as you can already see from the slideshow it is truly a delight – this year there were some surprises which we detail in the slideshow and gallery below.. Please enjoy the pictures. You can download any of the images for personal or private use; otherwise all the images are copyright ImagenationIT/Jacques Surveyer. Contact me for any commercial use.


Allan Gardens is a delight year round. The price is right as is the open times – 365 days a year, 10-5PM. Allan Gardens has easily replaced AGO-Art Gallery of Ontario and ROM – Royal Ontario Museum as the go to place for R&R- Relaxation and Rejuvenetaion in an otherwise busy and sometimes hectic city.It is amazing what Spotify Chopin or Creedence Clearwater Revival amid Allan’s Floral splendours can do together for the Spirits. 


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