Unable to attend due conflicting to events ye Editor had to pass on the Ganny Fanny Float this year. But with the help of MBA buddy Don Carr I have obtained the following images of this years event.
Here is some of the action along the river:

Some of the observers canoe into position:
And here the winning kayak team is glad to be at the finish:
And of course this is just a sampler of the crazy craft that dared to traverse the Ganny:
Here are four outstanding videos from this year’s Ganny Fanny Float.
The first shows the trip literally on a very competitive kayak starting at the very beginning and going to the finish in Port Hope. The view is from a helmet cam on a kayak oarsman. there is no narration but rather a folks song accompaniment. Rather interesting. About halfway there is the portage around the dam just below the 401 highway. This last half is now in Port Hope and yet the Ganny is still rather rambunctious.
The following video shows the launching of the Crazy Craft that makes up a good segment of the fun part of the Ganny Fanny tradition:
The next video gives the history of the Ganny Fanny Float. Andthen right near the finish line provides a front seat view of the various crazy craft completing the Ganny Fanny Float.
And the last video is not really a video but a series of still images of the Ganny Fanny people and fun set to music.
As so you see how and why the Ganny Fanny Float is a fun Rite of Spring in Port Hope and Eastern Ontario.