Volunteers at World Dragonboat Championships

Volunteers have become an integral part of World Sport events – and this party has mixed feeling about the situation; however that is a discussion for another time and place. Meanwhile the volunteer crew that ran just about every aspect of the Dragonboat Championships did so tirelessly and with much good cheer. Here, once again is a cross section of those volunteers in action – with a heart felt thank you for their service:
Load/Off-load team awaits fast returning Dragonboats

This work was especially tough with the 2000M meter races where as many as 20 teams had to lad up all at the same time. Between baling out boats and getting crews in and out expeditiously – lots of action for these volunteers.

Distributing the Medals – Final Day

The Friday NightMedal Crew
I quickly found out the volunteers for the medals crews were really “Jacks/Jills of all trades” – getting drafted into a variety of assistancy tasks. This was a vey good crew.

Sunday wrapup crew 1
Sunday Wrapup crew 2

Sunday Wrapup Crew 3

When you have a good time and complete a good job its nice to have a little celebration, but on Sunday afternoon the wrapup crew still had a job to do. Get the boats and docks cleaned up for final dismantling. Good show crew!

Just rewards for the voluneers was a table at the final World Dragonboat shindig at Ontario Place – if they played their cards right they could get a good glimpse of the Chinese Lanter Festival to boot.

Onload/Offload crew off to the shindig!

But wouldn’t you know even the shindig had volunteers in action:

A winsome team at the gate

Thank you volunteers for a job well done!

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