Caribana 2008

Caribana to Toronto is like the Gay Pride Parade, living proof that the Queen City continues to meld into Quepasa Place – more tolerant and indulgent of its multi-cultures than even its various media recognize. And what better way to celebrate than a downhome West-Indian Island Carnival. It is fitting that the final day of Caribana is not the Parade but a feast and fest on Toronto Islands. And despite the rain Caribana was out in full colours:

And what a bounty of hues! One can see why Caribana attracts fun frolic, sound and colour abound.

There are Pirate skull and crossbones
– long a cultural reality including now in the Caribbean, but an effloresence of colours, sparkle, dance and sounds that is refreshingly infectious. Kids get in on the action and enjoy the fun and pride of the parade.

It-might-rain-and-did-mightily could not dampen the enthusiasm for hundreds of thousands of parade-goers and doers stretching from THEx to Lakeshore by High Park.

The Parade was a show stopper on the Gardiner into town. And why not – where else are you going to see such spectacular floats as luscious as any Floral Garden beauties.

And speaking of beauties there were many for the eye of the beholder – including this Black Pride Can-do Parade of such great splendour, energy and sheer fun.

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